Year 1
Welcome back and happy new year! We hope you have all had a wonderful Christmas break.
We have started the year by diving straight into our new topic, ‘Underwater Adventure’. We will be beginning with the text, ‘The Storm Whale’ and will explore fiction writing looking at character and setting description as well as the story’s main events and thinking about what might happen next. We will then use the text ‘Somebody Swallowed Stanley’ to inspire our non-fiction writing, exploring the issue of pollution. We will finish our topic with ‘Tiddler’ by Julia Donaldson.
In Geography we will be revisiting the five oceans and locating them on a map of the world, as well as thinking about the different sea creatures that live there.
In Maths, we will be focusing on addition, subtraction and place-value within 20, including number bonds and doubles.
Our Art will be inspired by the work of Sue Coccia. We will be using our observational skills to zoom in on a variety of sea creatures and exploring line, tone and texture.
In Computing, we will be learning all about the importance of following a set of instructions as we learn all about what a computer algorithm is.
Our PE this half term is gymnastics and the children will be developing their use of balance and coordination.
In PSHE, we will be focusing on goals and dreams and how we can set a goal, work towards it and experience success.
We look forward to another fun and successful half term!
The Year 1 Team